The intention now is for the entire workforce to understand the reasoning behind procedures in a way that will engage them for the long term.
Darren explains: “Put simply, I want everyone to go home in the same condition that they turned up for work in. I want to get to a level of ‘zero incidents’. To this end, we have introduced a schedule of dynamic risk assessments whereby everyone is encouraged to undertake audits – and not just to the level to which we are legally obliged. It is no use the paperwork being seen as a chore. It needs to be viewed as a means to securing personal and colleagues’ safety, alongside ensuring that customers are happy, with incident-free contracts. Happy customers commission repeat business – and that is good news for everyone!”
The audits cover Site Operations and Controls – which includes things like welfare and traffic management; Behaviour Observed – briefings, PPE, competency cards and communication; and Feedback. The status and appearance of equipment, in particular, are also reviewed. Tool Box Talks are another key metric, ensuring that all aspects of the operation are constantly on the radar – promoting proactive, precautionary measures.
Reports are then processed in real time, with monthly summaries being reviewed by the management team who in turn can get a fix on trends as well as understanding the reality of working on site for the 200 strong workforce.
“Great progress has been made,” adds Darren, “we just need to keep the momentum and commitment going. We are already onto our third group of employees taking our new internal training module, for example. So we just need to keep it up!”